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Ring-tailed Lemur

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Lemur catta

Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are the most intensely studied of all the lemurs. They’re also the most easily recognizable species of lemur, and the most common primates in human care. Although widely distributed throughout the dry forests of southwestern Madagascar (some of the hottest, driest, and least hospitable forests in the country), they exist in only a few protected areas.

Unfortunately, the sparse, level forests inhabited by ring-tails are easily felled, even with limited tools. Hence ring-tailed lemur habitat is shrinking at an alarming rate. In fact, satellite images suggest that ring-tailed lemur habitat is vanishing at an even greater rate than forest habitat in other parts of Madagascar.

Due to the large number of L. catta in human care, the ring-tailed lemur Species Survival Plan calls for only a few breeding pairs of animals each year so that precious captive breeding space can be occupied by the rarer species of lemurs.

About Ring-tailed Lemurs