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#GivingTuesday: New X-ray system for better vet care

UPDATE: Thank you! Thank you for making #GivingTuesday a record-breaking success! On December 1, we shared with you an urgent need to replace and upgrade an essential piece of veterinary equipment: our X-ray system. Our existing X-ray machine was rapidly nearing the end of its long lifetime of service to the DLC’s lemurs and could […]

Lemur Research Tales: A Day in the Life of Gisela’s Family

By Casey Farmer I planned to be in Madagascar for three months of summer 2020, volunteering and being trained in field methods to study lemurs. When the pandemic hit and it was no longer safe to travel, my program was cancelled. But I refused to let this reality dictate my life as a budding lemur […]

NEW SPECIES ALERT: Meet Jonah’s mouse lemur!

Meet Jonah’s mouse lemur, Microcebus jonahi! This tiny (60-gram) primate is the 25th recognized species of mouse lemur and the 108th recognized species of lemur. Jonah’s mouse lemur lives in northeastern Madagascar, including within the protected Mananara National Park. The species was named after Malagasy primatologist Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy, one of the most respected and […]

New IUCN Conservation Assessments: Coquerel’s sifakas now Critically Endangered

By DLC research scientists Marina Blanco, Ph.D. and Lydia Greene, Ph.D. The new conservation assessments for Madagascar’s 107 lemur species have been released by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the updates are, to say the least, alarming. Since the previous assessment, many species have been uplisted, meaning that they are now considered […]

GUEST BLOG: A Field Test with the Lemurs

Written by Keriann McGoogan, Ph.D. It was 2009 and the peak of the dry season in Ankarafantsika National Park, northwest Madagascar. That meant that it was hot. Like, crazy hot. I fanned myself with my data book as I stood in the middle of the forest. My job as a primatologist was to find and […]

Part I: DLC-SAVA Conservation workshop in Madagascar’s Marojejy NP

DLC-SAVA Conservation forging new collaborations with CURSA, the university of SAVA region: A three-part series By James Herrera, Program Coordinator, DLC-SAVA Conservation During my first few months working with the DLC-SAVA Conservation program, I had the great pleasure of meeting and collaborating with the only university in the region, the Centre Universitaire Régional de la […]

dwarf lemur receiving a vet exam

200 Words: Dwarf lemur hibernation season ends

By DLC Research Scientist Lydia Greene, Ph.D. Follow Lydia on Instagram! @lemurscientist This year’s hibernation season finished this week at the Duke Lemur Center, and the participating dwarf lemurs received a physical exam on Friday. Here’s Tottenham (“Tot”) having her heartbeat counted by veterinarian Dr. Laura Ellsaesser. When hibernating, a dwarf lemur naturally reduces its […]

Wild mouse lemur clinging to a tree branch

200 Words: Fun facts about the mouse lemur

By DLC Research Scientist Lydia Greene, Ph.D. Follow Lydia on Instagram! @lemurscientist Did you know that mouse lemurs are the smallest lemurs (and primates) on Earth? Their scientific genus name, Microcebus, is from the Greek roots are mikros and kebos — which translate to “small” and “monkey”! One of the earliest mentions of mouse lemurs […]