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An Unusual Creature is Coming out of Winter’s Slumber. Here’s Why Scientists Are Excited.

Duke Lemur Center recreates the seasonal swings of native habitat, helping to unlock the secrets of hibernation. By Robin Smith, Ph.D. Originally published in DukeTODAY on March 12, 2021. DURHAM, N.C. — If you binged on high-calorie snacks and then spent the winter crashed on the couch in a months-long food coma, you’d likely wake […]

Me and You and Zoboomafoo: Free Virtual Event

Join us for a FREE virtual celebration on World Lemur Day and to watch the premiere of our feature presentation video: Me and You and Zoboomafoo! We’ll also offer fun extras and an online auction to extend your virtual gala experience through the entire week leading up to the video premiere! It’s free to register and […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Rare aye-aye born at the Duke Lemur Center

The Duke Lemur Center has welcomed another newborn — a rare baby aye-aye. Christened Winifred after Bette Midler’s character Winifred Sanderson in Hocus Pocus, the infant was born to first-time mom Fady on June 24, 2020. She is the second offspring of her father, Grendel, who sired Melisandre in 2019. Fady, Winifred’s mother, came to the […]

NEW SPECIES ALERT: Meet Jonah’s mouse lemur!

Meet Jonah’s mouse lemur, Microcebus jonahi! This tiny (60-gram) primate is the 25th recognized species of mouse lemur and the 108th recognized species of lemur. Jonah’s mouse lemur lives in northeastern Madagascar, including within the protected Mananara National Park. The species was named after Malagasy primatologist Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy, one of the most respected and […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Triplet ruffed lemurs born at the Duke Lemur Center!

On Day 5 of #BabyWeek2020, the Duke Lemur Center is thrilled to announce the births of Sunshine, Orbit, and Sputnik – a trio of critically endangered black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) born to parents Halley and Ravo! “Triplets were a surprise,” says Melanie Currie, one of the infants’ primary caretakers. “Halley has had […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet Siwa, an endangered crowned lemur!

Look closely…very closely…there! Our newest baby crowned lemur, Siwa, is still tucked safely around his mother, Seshat’s, belly — and as such is sometimes a little tough to spot! Seshat and father Zuberi are very protective of their little one, so our keepers haven’t gotten close enough yet to tell definitively if Siwa is a […]

New IUCN Conservation Assessments: Coquerel’s sifakas now Critically Endangered

By DLC research scientists Marina Blanco, Ph.D. and Lydia Greene, Ph.D. The new conservation assessments for Madagascar’s 107 lemur species have been released by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the updates are, to say the least, alarming. Since the previous assessment, many species have been uplisted, meaning that they are now considered […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet Ripley, a black and white ruffed lemur!

Meet Ripley, a critically endangered black and white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) born to first-time parents Herschel and Hermione! Ripley was born May 12, 2020 and is named after a crater on Pluto’s moon—which was named after Sigourney Weaver’s character in Alien! Our Ripley is brave, bold, and adventurous, just like her fictional namesake. At feeding […]