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Intern Rhiannon taking photo of ring-tailed lemur

A Summer of Photography, Writing, and Lemurs!

By Rhiannon See 2022 Communications Intern and 2022-2023 Undergraduate Fellow in Communications Internship Experience The first day of my internship at the Duke Lemur Center was unlike any other first day at a new job I have ever experienced. I began the day with a behind-the-scenes tour of the free-ranging lemur enclosure and was amazed […]

Lemur Dreamurs: Duke Engineering Student Collaboration for Enhanced Animal Welfare

Written by Meg Dye, MSc. Animal welfare requires a multidimensional approach to providing an environment for optimal physical and mental health. A key aspect of this approach is collaboration. Collaboration can take many forms, including inter- and intra-departmental teamwork, expertise from an array of scientific disciplines, and applied animal welfare science. Over the years, the […]

Ph.D. Research Opportunity: Dwarf Lemur Hibernation

Ph.D. Research Opportunity: The ecophysiology of dwarf lemur hibernation in northwestern Madagascar By Lydia Greene, Ph.D. October 11, 2022 Project Description We seek a motivated Malagasy student to conduct Ph.D. research on hibernation in wild dwarf lemurs in northwestern Madagascar, under the supervision of Drs. Marina Blanco and Lydia Greene (Duke Lemur Center, Duke University, […]

Nurturing the Extraordinary: How an Internship Inspired a Career

By Rhiannon See, 2022-23 Undergraduate Fellow in Communications. Originally published in Duke Lemur Center Magazine in 2022. Each summer, the DLC’s field research internships provide a select group of students with an introduction to lemur research and conservation, instilling in them the importance of teamwork and preparing them for future research-related careers. At summer’s end, […]

Chronic Malnutrition in Madagascar: A Problem Landscape with Local Solutions

By Bethany Old Master’s candidate, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University Madagascar has the fourth-highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world (The World Bank, 2018). The country is rich in fruits, vegetables, and legume diversity but nutrition education remains critically low. I served in the education sector of Peace Corps Madagascar from 2015-2018 […]

Nurturing the Extraordinary: Student Stories

The theme of this year’s Mission: Madagascar event is Nurture the Extraordinary, highlighting the impact that the Duke Lemur Center has on training and inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards. We collected stories from students working with us in Madagascar and students who have come through our programs here in Durham. It’s always wonderful […]

Three New Programs Launched: Advancing lemur care and management in Madagascar

By Vanessa Moss, Duke Research Communications Intern and Andrea Katz The launch of three brand-new training programs The DLC’s bond with Madagascar has grown even stronger this year with the launch of three training programs that promise to improve lemur care and welfare in both the lemurs’ native and adoptive homes. This spring, through our […]

VIDEO + AUDIO: What do lemurs sound like?

By Will Goodwin, 2019 Communications Intern Have you ever wondered what a lemur sounds like? If so, then this video — which is chock full of shrieks, grunts, barks, moos, eeps, and trills — is for you! Lemurs communicate using scent, sight, and sound. Each species has its own “vocabulary” of vocalizations, which may be […]