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Evening with the Experts – December 4th, Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears

Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears. Hibernation is a common metabolic strategy found in all major groups of mammals, however, it is rare among primates.  Dr. Marina Blanco will discuss how and why Fat-tailed Dwarf lemurs hibernate.  Dr. Blanco has just returned from Madagascar and will discuss her research and the traits of these fascinating primates.  […]

Genome sequences show how lemurs fight infection

May 30, 2014 — In 1999 at the Duke Lemur Center, a young lemur named Eugenius started to get sick. Very sick. He was lethargic, losing weight and suffering from diarrhea. Veterinarians soon pinpointed the cause of his illness: Eugenius tested positive for Cryptosporidium, a microscopic intestinal parasite known to affect people, pets, livestock and […]