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Madagascar bound, part III: Back into the rainforest

August 4, 2012 — After spending a couple of days in Sambava buying food and supplies for our next survey mission we headed back out to the rainforest. Though still within Marojejy National Park, this time we were heading to the north-west side as opposed to the central-eastern side where we were before. This area […]

Malagasy Student Works with DLC, Duke Student

August 4, 2012 — For all of my work this summer, I worked with a student from the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. I asked him to write a short blog to tell a little about himself and to explain how he got involved working on field projects with us. – Jennifer Moore My name is […]

Lemurs are the most threatened mammals in the world: 2012 IUCN Red-List Workshop, cont.

July 20, 2012 — by DLC Director, Dr. Anne Yoder, and Conservation Coordinator, Charlie Welch Last week, 60 of Madagascar’s leading lemur conservationists and researchers gathered in the capital of Antananarivo to reevaluate the IUCN Red-List conservation statuses of all existing lemur species. Duke Lemur Center’s SAVA Conservation project director Dr. Erik Patel was among […]

Lemurs are the most threatened mammals in the world: IUCN Red-List Workshop 2012

July 18, 2012 — Last week, 60 of Madagascar’s leading lemur conservationists and researchers gathered in Antananarivo (the capital) to reevaluate the IUCN Red-List conservation statuses of each lemur species.  It had been seven years since the last assessment.  New discoveries and increasing conservation threats since the coup d’etat in 2009 and ongoing political crisis […]

Aye-ayes bring musical inspiration to Hearst and Kronos Quartet

July 11, 2012 — Michael Hearst is a composer, instrumentalist, and writer and he recently released a new album entitled Songs for Unusual Creatures. Taking inspiration from some of the world’s strange and endangered animals, Hearst and his team of musician-composers used traditional and nontraditional instruments to invoke the essence of the strange and unusual. […]

Madagascar Bound Part II: Work has begun!

July 7, 2012 — Jennifer Moore is a graduate student at the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment and tour guide at the Duke Lemur Center. She sent us this report on her research in Madagascar’s Marojejy National Park with DLC post-doc Dr. Erik Patel. June 25, 2012 I have been in Madagascar for […]

Student research at the Duke Lemur Center

June 21, 2012 — One of the big projects that students do at Durham Academy is their 8th grade Independent Science Project. There are often a lot of interesting and fun topics, such as whether people do better on tests after exercise, if artificial sweeteners taste different than natural sugars in lemonade, and what ingredients […]

Weighing babies at the Duke Lemur Center

June 8, 2012 — The first 73 hours after birth are the most critical for a baby lemur, and during this period, the baby is weighed every day to ensure that it is growing and thriving. It’s not always possible to observe the baby nursing, so the most reliable way to make sure the baby […]