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Lemur Center website gets a new look

February 2, 2014 — The world’s leading facility for the care and study of lemurs just got a web facelift. It’s been ten months in the making, but we are pleased to announce the redesign of Here’s why you should visit: In addition to a new layout and color scheme, visitors to the site […]

Lorises may be cute, but please don’t buy one as a pet

January 9, 2014 — Last November, Duke Lemur Center curator Andrea Katz wrote this post about why you should never buy a lemur or a loris as a pet. In today’s post, high school student and Lemur Center volunteer Tyne Tyson explains why being irresistibly cute can spell trouble for these endangered animals: On November 6th — just a […]

Meet Horus the baby crowned lemur

January 7, 2014 — The Duke Lemur Center houses over 250 animals, but every individual is special. Here, we’ll take some time to help you get to know the stories behind some of our favorite residents. Get the scoop without the poop. In the following interview, technician Jodi Stirk tells us about Horus the baby […]

Looking back and leaping forward: 2013 in review

December 31, 2013 — We can say, without a doubt, that 2013 was a year of amazing growth and expansion for the Duke Lemur Center. DLC launched new programs and initiatives in Durham and in Madagascar and we saw lemurs reach our local community and the general public like never before. Here is short look […]

Season’s greetings from the “loudmouths” at the Lemur Center

December 19, 2013 — Some visitors are surprised to learn that lemurs are LOUD. The “barking” of the red-ruffed lemur is a thunderous clamor – it’s incredible that one creature is capable of producing such a deafening noise! When it comes to volume, red-ruffed lemurs nearly top the charts for non-human primates. The lemurs use their booming capabilities to […]

A day in the life of a lemur keeper

December 17, 2013 — Caring for lemurs is more than a full time job. The Duke Lemur Center relies on a dozen trained keepers and more than 70 volunteers for everything from feeding lemurs and cleaning enclosures, to sweeping up at the end of the day. Here, we’ll introduce you to the people who work […]

Researchers unveil new plan to save lemurs

December 10, 2013 — Dr. Erik Patel, SAVA Conservation director in Madagascar, submitted this report on a new comprehensive strategy for lemur conservation: A new publicly available ‘Lemur Conservation Action Plan’ has recently been released by The Primate Specialist Group of the IUCN-SSC (International Union for the Conservation of Nature – Species Survival Commission).  This […]

Reforestation in Madagascar: targeting areas where trees are hardest hit

December 5, 2013 — Since its inception in Spring 2012, the Duke Lemur Center’s SAVA Conservation project has been supporting reforestation in a part of Madagascar where the trees are hardest hit. Satellite-based monitoring indicates that forest disturbance in Madagascar more than doubled in the period between July and September 2013, compared to the same period in 2012. […]