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Photo Essay: Annual sumac harvest for sifakas begins again

It’s that of year again: DLC technicians, equipped with ample supplies of sunscreen, bug spray, water, and clippers, are heading out into the field for the annual month-long period of sumac harvesting! The Lemur Center’s seven chest freezers, all empty since the start of spring, need to be filled with freshly harvested sumac leaves so […]

Infant Announcement: TRIPLETS born at the Duke Lemur Center!

Meet the newest members of the DLC family: fat-tailed dwarf lemur triplets Elephant Bird, Albatross, and Bustard! This tiny trio was born on June 25, 2019 to parents Emu and Kookaburra. (If you haven’t guessed yet, all of the DLC’s dwarf lemurs are named after birds, and our newest arrivals are no exception!) Momma Emu […]

Guest Blog: Visiting Madagascar Changed My Life

By Jeffrey Pawlan Visiting Madagascar changed my life and introduced me to the Duke Lemur Center After viewing a National Geographic documentary about lemurs, my wife and I decided to arrange a two-week trip to Madagascar. In the fall of 2017, we first went to two private reserves in South Africa because our flight was […]

Want to put your old smartphone to good use? Consider donating it to the DLC!

“Calling” all lemur lovers! 📞 Want to put your old Android phone to good use? The DLC is looking for donations of Android phones to use with our mouse lemurs and touchscreen cognition studies! In the past, researcher Ray Vagell has used tablet computers for touchscreen color vision research with ruffed lemurs; now, we’d like […]