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Welcome Felix, the Duke Lemur Center’s First Infant of the Season!

Here at the Duke Lemur Center, birth season has begun! Please join us in celebrating the arrival of Felix, a critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka born on December 21, 2020 to first-time parents Lupicina (Lupi) and Elagabalus (Gabe)! In the Northern Hemisphere, Coquerel’s sifakas are typically born between December and March; and Felix’s birth on December […]

On the State of Madagascar Conservation at the End of 2020, Looking Forward

James Herrera, Ph.D., Program Coordinator for DLC-SAVA Conservation. Published December 28, 2020. Madagascar is a natural and cultural treasure. With over 20,000 known plants and animals found nowhere else on earth, it is one of the biologically richest places on Earth. We continue to discover new species every day (1). Similarly, the diversity of cultures […]

Choose Us for a Year-end Charitable Donation

Searching for a special purpose for a tax-deductible, year-end donation? Choose the Duke Lemur Center! Give now or visit our donations homepage for more information on how your gift makes a difference in our work to care for, protect, and learn from lemurs, Earth’s most threatened group of mammals. Your gift means more than ever […]