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The DLC-SAVA Conservation Mobile Interpretive Center

The DLC-SAVA Conservation Mobile Interpretive Center: A new dimension in our Environmental Education Program By Evrard Benasoavina, Lanto Andrianandrasana and James Herrera Environmental education (EE) is a crucial component of conservation. Knowing about the environment and the important benefits we get from nature is a first step towards managing and preserving natural resources. At the […]

VIDEO: Why Do You Study That? —Marina and Lydia Discuss Lemur Research

Research scientists Marina Blanco, Ph.D. and Lydia Greene, Ph.D. study lemurs here at the DLC—home to the most diverse population of lemurs outside of Madagascar. Some people might assume that they do this just to hang out with these adorable primates all day, but the truth is that their research could be critical to the […]

Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Madagascar – Part II

Independent research by local scientists making a difference in the SAVA region By Andolalao Rakotoarison, Tanjona Ramiadantsoa, Thio Rosin Fulgence, and James Herrera   Science is a fundamental part of society, yet it is often an exclusive field. To be a scientist requires education, which requires the finances of obtaining that education. In low-resource settings […]

Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Madagascar – Part I

Increasing inclusivity in STEM: Partnership between DLC and CURSA, the local university in the SAVA region By Andolalao Rakotoarison, Tanjona Ramiadantsoa, Thio Rosin Fulgence, and James Herrera   In many low-income settings, like Madagascar, educational infrastructure is lacking to serve students further than primary school. Earning a high school degree is a huge achievement, out […]

Protecting lemurs during a pandemic

Preliminary results of ecological and social surveys conducted by researchers at the Centre Universitaire Régional de la SAVA (CURSA), in collaboration with Duke Lemur Center SAVA Conservation and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) By Edgar Rabevao, Audon Nivolala, Jean Eric Tsilanizara, Jeantauné Njakandrina, Aldo Bezara, Louisene Olina Rasoamiadana, Candidier Dimbiarijaonina, Hilariot Ramalazamanana, Flavien Rasolomon, Felix Jerimanana, […]

VIDEO: Studying Dwarf Lemur Hibernation

  One of the hallmarks of the Lemur Center’s research program is that it is non-invasive: We never allow research that hurts an animal or causes undue stress. But what does non-invasive research look like, and how can we use it to learn more about lemurs here and in Madagascar? In this video, we dive into […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet ring-tailed lemurs Scout and Atticus

For the first time since 2016, there are baby ring-tailed lemurs at the Duke Lemur Center! For the final days of Baby Week 2021, we are so excited to share Atticus and Scout!   Although endangered in Madagascar, ring-tailed lemurs are the most common lemur species in human care. Because the population is so large and genetically diverse […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet Malala, a rare blue-eyed black lemur!

For the third day of Baby Week 2021, we are thrilled to announce the birth of Malala, a critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons)!   With fewer than 40 in human care in North America, every blue-eyed black lemur infant born is cause for celebration—but Malala’s birth has an extra level of excitement. As the second offspring of the only […]