
Written by Meg Dye, MSc.

Animal welfare requires a multidimensional approach to providing an environment for optimal physical and mental health. A key aspect of this approach is collaboration. Collaboration can take many forms, including inter- and intra-departmental teamwork, expertise from an array of scientific disciplines, and applied animal welfare science. Over the years, the DLC has benefited from several collaborations with the Duke community, including expertise from medical, lighting, and engineering specialists.

A recent collaboration between the DLC and Duke Engineering Design and Technical Communication (EGR 101) students proved highly successful. The DLC turned to the first-year engineers with a design challenge for weighing tiny nocturnal mouse lemurs. (Adult mouse lemurs weigh just 1.5-2.5 ounces, or 43-71 grams.)

Woman standing in front of cages with measuring tape

Measuring mouse lemur enclosures during the students’ initial visit.

While the DLC’s husbandry staff had the expertise to teach the mouse lemurs to voluntarily stand on a scale for their monthly weighings, the design of the current habitats made the task challenging. So, the students were asked to design a door modification that would allow the mouse lemurs to easily access a scale from their home enclosure while maintaining safe containment.

A group of students, with the team name “Lemur Dreamurs,” stepped up to the challenge. At the start of the semester, the team visited the DLC to get a better understanding of the challenge and to take initial measurements of the mouse lemurs’ enclosures. A few weeks later, the team brought a carboard prototype to the DLC to test their initial design. With some modifications, the team then returned to the DLC with an acrylic prototype. After final safety testing and DLC approval, the device was used to successfully create an environment in which the mouse lemurs could easily participate in their own health care by voluntarily stepping onto the scale.

Three students holding cardboard structure in front of mouse lemur cages

Students return to test a cardboard prototype of their initial design.

Mouse lemur inside acrylic enclosure on scale

A mouse lemur participates in its own welfare with the aid of the students’ acrylic prototype!

This collaboration with young engineers is a great example of crossing disciplines to overcome a challenge with a direct impact on animal care. The DLC is fortunate to have access to and support from the Duke community as we strive to continuously find new ways to advance animal welfare at the DLC.