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two ring-tailed lemurs social grooming

Staff Spotlight: Meg Dye, Curator of Behavioral Management

One of our volunteer Technician Assistants suggested recently that we add a “Staff Spotlight” to the DLC’s monthly volunteer newsletter. We loved the idea so much that we’ve expanded it into monthly blog posts as well! Many friends of the DLC know us in passing, but may not know what led us to our careers or what […]

Annual sumac harvest for sifakas’ winter diets

Coquerel’s sifakas have extremely sensitive digestive systems and specialized nutritional needs. As a species, they have a reputation of being very delicate and difficult to care for, and the Duke Lemur Center is one of very few places that has succeeded in caring for and breeding them. So much so, in fact, that all sifakas […]

DLC veterinarian Bobby Schopler provides training in Anjajavy, Madagascar

We love this shout-out to the DLC’s senior veterinarian, Bobby Schopler, from Cédric de Foucault of Anjajavy on the northwest coast of Madagascar! “Last month we were proud to host the eminent Professor Robert Schopler, senior vet to Duke Lemur Center. His expert practical animal husbandry training will undoubtedly prove invaluable to our team. We are thrilled […]

Staff Spotlight: Sara Sorraia, Director of Communications

One of our volunteer Technician Assistants suggested recently that we add a “Staff Spotlight” to the DLC’s monthly volunteer newsletter. We loved the idea so much that we’ve expanded it into monthly blog posts as well! Many friends of the DLC know us in passing, but may not know what led us to our careers or what […]

Lucrezia the aye-aye receives a pineapple

By DLC Registrar and Photographer David Haring Most folks know Charlie Welch as the DLC’s Conservation Coordinator, as well as the leader of the amazing Duke Alumni tour of Madagascar. But Charlie is also a master gardener and every summer manages a fabulous organic vegetable garden yielding pounds and pounds of fresh greens and other […]

Magical Madagascar EcoTour is a wrap!

By Mary Paisley, Development Officer Duke Alumni Travel is already accepting reservations (three spaces filled as of today) for the 2019 tour, scheduled for June 9-22, 2019.  For more information, click HERE. For questions or to reserve your space by phone, call Duke Alumni Travel at (919) 684-2988. With the Duke Lemur Center’s Conservation Coordinator, Charlie […]

Rising Duke freshmen volunteer through Project BUILD

For the past three days, students from Project BUILD — a pre-orientation program for rising Duke freshmen — have done great service work here at the DLC! 48 incoming freshmen and 24 upperclassmen leaders assisted with weeding and mulching projects around the center and got a chance to meet the lemurs for the first time! […]

Mission: Madagascar – Learn more about our fall benefit under the stars!

Registration begins this Friday, August 10 for the Duke Lemur Center’s fall benefit under the stars! Donations will support the DLC’s Madagascar Conservation Programs. Click HERE to be directed to the event information page, where the registration link will be posted on Friday. We hope to see you there!