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From a student’s perspective

December 14, 2011 Hi! My name is Leah and I am a sophomore at Duke University studying Environmental Science and Policy and Evolutionary Anthropology and I am lucky enough to have been involved at the Lemur Center since the start of my freshman year. In addition to my duties as a tour guide at our […]

Crocs and blocks

Duke student, Brandon Semel’s adventure continues: Entry 9: Crocs and Blocks 22 July 2011   Now that all of the Earthwatch volunteers are here and set up in their tents, it’s time to get started on the projects. While some teams go off to check trap lines for fosas caught the previous night, my group […]

Save the fosa!

November 30, 2011 Entry 8: Arovy ny Fosa! Duke student Brandon Semel continues to share his experiences doing research in Madagascar. Spotty internet connections delayed posts. 21 July 2011 Save the fosa!  That’s what our principal investigators, Drs. Luke Dollar and Julie Pomerantz, their in-country research Director, Pierrot, myself, and two other American students, several […]

Time off in Madagascar

November 26, 2011 More from Duke student, Brandon Semel reporting from Madagascar. Delays in reports are due to spotty internet access. Entry 7: To the Coast 20 July 2011 With nearly one hundred new birds, reptiles, and mammals committed to memory, it’s time for a vacation!  The nearest airport is in the coastal city of […]

Market Day in Madagascar

November 16, 2011 Entry 6: Market Day 13 July 2011 It’s Wednesday morning and the streets of Andranafansika (the nearby town) are alive with the hustle and bustle of the market!  Men in tiny little run-down stands sell everything from knives and axe heads to car parts and radios.  Piles of fruits, vegetables, shrimp and […]

Madagascar – The number and diversity of snakes and birds is incredible!

November 14, 2011 Duke student Brandon Semel continues to share his experience in Madagascar. Due to spotty internet connections the entries were delayed: Entry 5: Finding My Feet 10 July 2011 We have now been in Ankarafantsika National Park for several days, hiking daily throughout the dry forests looking for endemic animals and struggling to […]