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200 Words: Sifaka diet and digestive system

By DLC Research Scientist Lydia Greene, Ph.D. Follow Lydia on Instagram! @lemurscientist Sifakas eat foliage and seasonal fruits (1). Their gastrointestinal systems are designed to optimize nutrient extraction from both. Sifakas have an elongated gut tract that is an astonishing 14-15x their body length (2). Food takes about 24-36 hours to go from eating to […]

Farewell, Ike — World’s oldest crowned lemur passes away at Duke Lemur Center

The Duke Lemur Center is mourning the death of 29-year-old Ikenaten — a lifelong resident of the DLC, cherished “feisty old man,” and the oldest crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) ever on record. Born to parents Bastet and Zoser at the Lemur Center on April 18, 1990, Ike far surpassed his species’ median life expectancy of […]

2019 Stewardship Report — Read Online!

OUR LEGACY… AND THE IMPACT OF YOUR INVESTMENT: Have you seen the DLC’s new stewardship report? Not only is it chock full of images of our amazing lemurs, it demonstrates beautifully the huge impact that your support has on the DLC’s mission! The Duke Lemur Center relies upon donations from individuals like you, who personally […]

Acupuncture for lemurs? Yes, please!

When 34-year-old Comet, a critically endangered red ruffed lemur, was treated for an injury but plateaued before making a full recovery, Duke Lemur Center veterinarians turned to local acupuncturist Camille Sherrod, D.V.M., of Retrieving Balance Mobile Vet. The result? Acupuncture therapy for the aging lemur — a first in lemur care. Five weeks after Comet’s […]