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Evening with the Experts – December 4th, Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears

Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears. Hibernation is a common metabolic strategy found in all major groups of mammals, however, it is rare among primates.  Dr. Marina Blanco will discuss how and why Fat-tailed Dwarf lemurs hibernate.  Dr. Blanco has just returned from Madagascar and will discuss her research and the traits of these fascinating primates.  […]

Duke Science and Society Roundtable feat. Director Anne Yoder, PhD.

S&S Roundtable with Anne Yoder, PhD Science & Society Classroom 232   Thursday, October 16  12:00 PM Anne Yoder will present: Explosive evolution of the vomeronasal receptor (Class 1) genes in the lemurs: an exploration of causes and consequences Anne Yoder studies Madagascar’s unique and urgently threatened biodiversity. Her research uses comparative molecular evolutionary and […]

Evening with the Experts Seminar Series -October

October 22, 2014 6:30pm DLC Lead Technician, Julie McKinney An Unusual House Call – Saving Aye-ayes in Madagascar On the evening of March 15, 2014, in the rainforests of Madagascar, a veterinary team from the Duke Lemur Center made an unusual house call. Their patient was a female aye-aye . She was one of five […]

Evening with the Experts Seminar Series Returns!

Lemurs are the most endangered mammal on the planet. Learn what we are doing to change that. Delve deeper into the Duke Lemur Center and join us for our inaugural season of the “Evening with the Experts” seminar series. Each session will highlight one of the many components of the DLC’s important work. All proceeds […]

Matching gifts mean new set of wheels for SAVA Conservation in Madagascar

June 23, 2014 — Lemur researcher Erik Patel will be the first to tell you that driving in Madagascar is not for the faint of heart. Paved roads are rare. Street lights are nonexistent. Torrential rains turn dirt roads to solid mud for many months of the year. Bridges wash out, and just as quickly […]

Lemur supermodels strike a pose for Photo Ark project

June 20, 2014 — Lemurs don’t sit still for portraits. They sniff the lights. They scent mark the camera lens. They relieve themselves in the middle of the photo shoot. But that doesn’t faze National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, whose latest lemur photos — taken at the Duke Lemur Center — are now available for […]

Adopt a lemur and help protect and care for endangered animals in Durham, Friday, June 6

Bring a blanket and join us for a picnic to meet the lemurs in the adopt-a-lemur program at the Duke Lemur Center, from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, June 6. Your sponsorship will help us care for the lemurs at the Duke Lemur Center and support the conservation work we do around the world. […]

Spring is here: don’t miss your chance to see lemurs frolicking in the forest

April 25, 2014 — For the next few months, visitors will have a unique opportunity to get up close with some of the 80 lemurs and seven species that are now frolicking in the forest. In today’s post, we asked Lemur Center volunteer and Duke undergraduate Faye Goodwin what to expect during the spring tour […]