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Duke lemur experts provide emergency aid to injured primates

April 14, 2014 — On the evening of March 15, 2014, in the rainforests of eastern Madagascar, a veterinary team from the Duke Lemur Center made an unusual house call. Their patient was a female aye-aye — a rare and otherworldly primate with rodent-like teeth, wiry fur, big ears, bulging yellowish-orange eyes and a bushy […]

At the Duke Lemur Center, animal training isn’t just for the movies

March 28, 2014 — Earlier this week we went behind the scenes with IMAX to learn how the Duke Lemur Center’s animal training experts prepared five of our fat-tailed dwarf lemurs for their role in the upcoming IMAX film, Island of Lemurs: Madagascar. But animal training isn’t just for the movies. It’s critical for research […]

Come to the Duke Lemur Center and experience the call of the lemur

March 18, 2014 – One of the first things visitors notice when they come to the Duke Lemur Center is that lemurs are LOUD. You might say stinky too. Of course we love them anyway. But what do our guests think? In today’s post, we asked Lemur Center volunteer and Duke undergraduate Faye Goodwin how […]

How do the lemurs get their names?

February 20, 2014 – It’s baby season at the Duke Lemur Center. In today’s post, Lemur Center technician Allie Blackwood explains how the new babies get their names: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Ahh, Shakespeare. Clearly he never worked at the Lemur […]

Baby watch at the Duke Lemur Center

February 18, 2014 – It’s birth season at the Duke Lemur Center! Two female Sifaka lemurs, Gertrude and Eleanor, were born on January 5, and more babies are expected in the coming months. In the dead of winter we are lucky to welcome new life to the center. Here’s what we do to get ready […]

Baby, it’s cold outside…but can I still visit the lemurs?

February 12, 2014 – A common question visitors to the Duke Lemur Center ask is, “Are you open year-round?” The answer is, yes! The Duke Lemur Center conducts tours throughout the entire year. During the fall and winter months the tour experience is somewhat different than in the warmer spring and summer months. Here’s what […]

In memory of Dr. Alison Jolly

February 12, 2014 – The lemur world has lost a great primatologist and conservationist.  Dr. Alison Jolly, former member of both the DLC’s Board of Visitors and External Scientific Advisory committee will be  missed.  Below is a memorial written by her family and originally shared by Josia Razafindramanana to the Madagascar Environmental Justice Network. A […]

Re-Gifting: Lemur Style

Lemur Center supporter is the ultimate re-gifter Feb 4, 2014 — Debbie Perez threatened to take her boss toy shopping for lemurs. This gal has re-gifting all figured out.  When Debbie recently decided to retire, her company offered a gift of her choosing for her service. Instead of using the $500 on a gift for […]