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It’s a boy! Meet Binx, the DLC’s newest critically endangered aye-aye infant

It’s a boy! The Duke Lemur Center is so excited to welcome Binx, the newest critically endangered aye-aye born in human care! All aye-ayes born at the DLC receive a spooky or magical name from their caretaker, and Binx is no exception. Binx was named by his technician Jenna Browning after the boy-turned-black-cat character from […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet Silas, Zoboomafoo’s newest grandlemur!

Our second new addition of the 2022 infant season is already a star! Join us in welcoming Silas, born January 12, 2022, to parents Gisela and Rupert! Gisela was born at the DLC in 2012 and is the daughter of Jovian (aka Zoboomafoo) and Jovian’s longtime mate, Pia. In addition to his parents, Silas’ family […]

STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Erin Ehmke, Director of Research

Erin Ehmke, Ph.D. Director of Research “Growing up, I knew my path would revolve around animals.  I wanted so badly to follow in the footsteps of my hero, Jane Goodall, but had no idea how to make that dream a reality.  At that time, the only careers I knew that worked with animals were zoo […]

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science The United Nations has declared February 11 the annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science. To celebrate, we’re introducing you to just a few of the women who work here at the DLC! Read below for their stories, and stay tuned for additional features later […]


“From a young age, I knew I wanted to work with animals when I grew up—how and what was unclear, but animals, yes. There was always a connection that wasn’t understood but always present. “When the time for attending college came, there wasn’t a hard choice for what to focus on; instead there was a […]


Curator of the DLC Colony “I started in the zoo field when I was 16, having cleaned stalls at my local horse barn since the ripe old age of seven. The famous Bronx Zoo got me hooked after I attended a summer internship that year. It was so exciting to be around all of those […]


Lead Husbandry Technician, Research Technician “To say that I have wanted to work with animals since I was little is far from an exaggeration. I knew ever since I was a girl that I wanted to be a zookeeper. Knowing this, my mom found an explorer program that I could participate in, and off to […]

INFANT ANNOUNCMENT: Meet Camilla, the first infant of 2022!

On Christmas morning, many children are excited to see what Santa has brought them. Animal care technicians at the Duke Lemur Center also received a special delivery on December 25: Camilla, a critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka! Camilla is the first infant of the season and the second infant born to Lupicina (Lupi) and Elagabalus (Gabe). […]