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Mission: Madagascar Gala 2019 — Recap and Image Gallery

By Mary Paisley, Development Officer What a wonderful evening we had on October 5, 2019 at the Duke Lemur Center! With about 175 guests and sponsors attending this year’s gala, in addition to DLC staff and volunteers, our tent was quite full during the formal program. We were happy to introduce Lanto Andrianandrasana, our Malagasy […]

Legacy Giving

Legacy gifts for the Duke Lemur Center It’s easier than you might think to establish a planned gift (of any amount) from your estate to benefit the Duke Lemur Center! We can help you explore all of your options—like naming the DLC as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, including the DLC in your will, […]

Silent Auction Preview — Mission: Madagascar 2019

Want to preview the great items up for bid in our silent auction? CLICK HERE to view a sampling of silent auction items for this year’s Mission: Madagascar gala!

Infant Announcement: Rare aye-aye born at the Duke Lemur Center

Meet Melisandre, a rare baby aye-aye born at the Duke Lemur Center on August 13, 2019! The daughter of 23-year-old Ardrey and 9-year-old Grendel, “Mel” is one of nine aye-ayes at the DLC and one of only 25 of her kind in the United States. She is Ardrey’s sixth infant and Grendel’s first. Melisandra weighed […]