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Blue Devil of the Week: Capturing Duke’s lemurs in pictures

By Jonathan Black. Originally published in Duke Today on January 14, 2019. View the original HERE. Name: David Haring Title: Registrar/Photographer at Duke Lemur Center Years at Duke: 38 What he does: When Haring isn’t stationed in front of a computer working on animal records, he’s outdoors, capturing the lives of 220 lemurs at Duke Lemur Center in pictures. Haring takes […]

FROM THE ARCHIVES: DLC in the media from ’04 to ’15!

FROM THE ARCHIVES: DLC in the media from ’04 to ’15! Lemurs chat only with their best friends Dec. 28, 2015 Science News Up close with lemur gut bugs Oct. 29, 2015 American Scientist The aye-aye and the finger of death Oct. 29, 2015 Pacific Standard Duke Lemur Center educates and entertains June 23, 2015 […]

Plants Can’t Talk. But Some Fruits Say ‘Eat Me’ to Animals.

“Some plants in Madagascar may have evolved fruit colors so that they can be seen by lemurs that are red-green colorblind.” Super interesting article — and a Duke University researcher is featured too! Plants Can’t Talk. But Some Fruits Say ‘Eat Me’ to Animals. By JoAnna Klein. Originally published in the New York Times on October 9, 2018. Read […]