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Award-winning documentary set to air on Animal Planet

December 14, 2012 — On December 18, 2012, 8PM EST, Dr. Erik Patel, DLC SAVA Conservation Director, will take viewers on an incredible trek through the dense, humid rainforests of Madagascar in search of one of the most critically endangered lemurs, the silky sifaka, as the last installment of Animal Planet’s series Frontier Earth. In Madagascar, […]

The more things change, the more they stay the same

by Dr. Gregg Gunnell, Director of the Division of Fossil Primates at the Duke Lemur Center November 28, 2012 — The Division of Fossil Primates (DFP) at the Duke Lemur Center (DLC) is changing but you might not notice it because we are also staying the same. Our major focus remains on the fossil record […]

Programming for prosimians

by Freda Cameron – writer, traveler, blogger, volunteer and supporter of the DLC. Follow her @fredacameron. October 26, 2012 — Excitement! That’s what I felt when Anne Yoder, Director of the Duke Lemur Center told us there were forty-five years of lemur data to be consolidated. With our technical backgrounds and combined years working for […]

Topics on hibernation

Evolution of lemur hibernation   – by Dr. Marina Blanco, Post-Doctoral Associate Hibernation Research Project, Duke Lemur Center October 23, 2012 — I recently joined the Duke Lemur Center to participate in the multidisciplinary Hibernation research project. After a few years studying the reproductive biology of eastern mouse and dwarf lemurs of Madagascar, I became […]

Botanical Breakthrough at Betampona

October 4, 2012 — Conservationists have successfully propagated around 200 rare seedlings from one of Madagascar’s critically endangered trees. Pentachlaena betamponensis is only known to exist in one location, Betampona Nature Reserve, an oasis of biodiverse tropical forest amidst agricultural land in eastern Madagasacar. The known global population only numbers twelve individuals, again, all found […]

Prosimian Personalities – Jovian

September 25, 2012 — In this series, we’ll help you get to know the animals at the lemur center just as well as the keepers that care for them. You can learn a little about their personalities, likes, and favorite past-times without having to scoop up the poop! We call it “Prosimian Personalities.” Meet Jovian, […]

Meet Maky, Duke’s lemur mascot

September 18, 2012 — The Duke Lemur Center’s new ring-tailed lemur mascot finally has a name! We asked, and you voted to call this 6-foot tall lemur Maky (pronounced mah-key). Marsha Green at Duke Today authored this piece about the university’s newest lemur friend, originally posted here by Marsha A. Green Voters select Malagasy word […]

Madagascar bound, part IV: Homeward

August 12, 2012 — I am now sitting at my hotel in Antananarivo for my last night in Madagascar. I can’t believe I have been here for 3 months, 10 weeks of which was spent in a tent in the rainforest. I’m not going to lie, this summer was difficult. The first day I entered […]