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Meet Flea the lucky loris

November 26, 2013 — The Duke Lemur Center houses over 250 animals, but every individual is special. Here, we’ll take some time to help you get to know the stories behind some of our favorite residents. Get the scoop without the poop. In the following interview, technician Erin Shaw tells us how a very fortunate […]

What’s growing on? November in the DLC garden

November 15, 2013 — Fall brings to mind a palette of yellows, browns and oranges. In the DLC garden, however, fall is the season of cool-weather greens. Kale, romaine, spinach, collards, chard and a mesclun mix are all part of the November harvest, providing a nutritious supplement to the lemurs’ regular diet. Greens are not always the […]

Fighting deforestation with family planning

November 14, 2013 — A new conservation partnership aims to promote family planning in Madagascar, report Charlie Welch and Dr. Erik Patel of the Duke Lemur Center: This October, a women’s reproductive health specialist visited the village of Belaoka Lokoho (adjacent to Marojejy NP, 15km from Andapa) to offer local women the option of contraception. […]

Lemurs’ neck bling tracks siestas, insomnia

November 5, 2013 —The fancy neck charm this lemur is wearing is no fashion accessory. Weighing in at just under an ounce, it’s a battery-powered data logger that measures light exposure and activity levels continuously over many days. Researchers outfitted twenty lemurs at the Duke Lemur Center with the special gadgets to study the animals’ […]

Rachna Reddy: Lemur voice coach

May 9, 2013 — For the past four years our research team has investigated lemur cognitive abilities. Adapted to unique niches in Madagascar, lemur species differ considerably in sociality, foraging patterns, and other characteristics that may have caused them to evolve different problem-solving skills. We test these skills through interactive experiments, that may require lemurs […]

New blue-eyed black lemur babies!

May 7, 2013 — World, meet Hiddleston and Poots! The Duke Lemur Center is proud to announce the births of two blue-eyed black lemurs, one male – Hiddleston – and one female – Poots. Named for actor Tom Hiddleston, Hiddleston was born to mother West and father Hopkins on March 24, 2013. He weighed a […]

New poster will promote conservation in SAVA region

February 12, 2013 — The DLC SAVA Conservation initiative is working through a variety of activities with local communities to protect  forests and lemurs in Madagascar. Photographer and conservationist Louise Jasper has helped us to develop a poster which speaks out against the hunting of lemurs and the keeping of lemurs as pets. The posters […]

Meet baby Beatrice!

January 25, 2013 — Join the staff of the Duke Lemur Center (DLC) in welcoming our newest Coquerel’s sifaka – Beatrice of Swabia (Beatrice for short): [youtube][/youtube] Born December 19, 2012, Beatrice weighed 107 grams at birth – a perfect weight for a newborn sifaka. She is in excellent health and growing leaps and bounds, […]