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Senior Giving Week at Duke

This year’s Senior Giving Challenge at Duke University is focusing, in part, on the Duke Lemur Center! Here’s what Duke senior Annabella Helman has to say about her experience as a student at the DLC, and why she’s donating her senior gift to us: The Duke Lemur Center played a large role in shaping my […]

INFANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Rare aye-aye born at the Duke Lemur Center

The Duke Lemur Center has welcomed another newborn — a rare baby aye-aye. Christened Winifred after Bette Midler’s character Winifred Sanderson in Hocus Pocus, the infant was born to first-time mom Fady on June 24, 2020. She is the second offspring of her father, Grendel, who sired Melisandre in 2019. Fady, Winifred’s mother, came to the […]

Virtual Tour Programs Launched

 We’re thrilled to announce our NEW virtual tour programs! 🎉  We’ve missed hosting visitors onsite, so we’re bringing the Duke Lemur Center to a screen near you — well, minus the unique lemur smells! Visit our virtual programs homepage to see all five of our offerings! Virtual tours are a wonderful way to learn about […]

Part III: Community building at Malagasy tree nursery

DLC-SAVA Conservation forging new collaborations with CURSA, the university of SAVA region: Community building at local tree nursery By James Herrera, Program Coordinator, DLC-SAVA Conservation The Madagascar government is committed to reforestation. They have an ambitious goal: to plant 60 million trees, in honor of their sixtieth anniversary of independence from France. They want to reforest […]