Aye-Aye Adoption Packages
Adopt an aye-aye! Choose your gift level and receive a customized care package:
$50 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Species fact sheet
- 5x7 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Quarterly updates on your lemur for one year!
$100 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Species fact sheet
- 5x7 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Car magnet
- Quarterly updates on your lemur for one year!
$250 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Species fact sheet
- 5x7 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Tote bag
- Car magnet
- Quarterly updates on your lemur for one year!
$500 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Tote bag
- Private Lemurs Live tour for up to 8 people. Reservation must be made in advance. Value of tour passes ($125) is not tax deductible and will not be included on your tax receipt from Duke University.
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Species fact sheet
- 8x10 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Car magnet
- Quarterly updates on your lemur for one year!
$1000 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Behind the scenes visit for up to four people arrange through the development officer
- Species fact sheet
- 8x10 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Tote bag
- Car magnet
- Quarterly updates about your lemur for one year
$8,400 Care Package
Care Package includes:
- Fully support the average cost of a year’s care of one lemur at the Duke Lemur Center
- Exclusive adoption – choose a specific animal, not just the species!
- Behind the scenes visit for up to four people arrange through the development officer
- Certificate of symbolic adoption
- Species fact sheet
- 8x10 photo
- Individual bio about your lemur
- Adopt a Lemur logo sticker
- Tote bag
- Car magnet
- Quarterly updates about your lemur for one year
Donation Only
I don’t want an adoption package, but want to support care of the lemurs! Choose from the following:
Straightforward Donation
Choose your gift amount
$25 Lemur Love!
(Email delivery only – an adoption is not included) Holiday e-Message, gift dedication and personal message to the recipient