Join Dr. Erik Patel, Duke Lemur Center’s SAVA Conservation Project Director to hear his accounts of all the work and dedication that is required to make conservation a reality in the forests of Madagascar. Dr. Patel has been working in Madagascar for more than 12 years and has been managing all of our critical conservation projects and silky sifaka research within this bio diverse island. Dr. Patel will provide the most recent updates on DLC’s conservation work, silky sifaka research, recent videos of the sifaka families, and upcoming projects. This is a talk not to be missed!
All proceeds to benefit our SAVA conservation project.
Saturday, April 5th 6:30pm – Duke Lemur Center, Lemur Landing Visitor Center3705 Erwin Road, Durham, NC 27705
$25 regular admission, $20 Duke Students/Staff, $10 DLC staff/volunteers
Reservations required: 919-401-7240