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Zoboomafoo’s Fifth Granddaughter Born at Duke

March 2, 2015 — A little more than two months after the TV-star lemur known as Zoboomafoo died at age 20, his fifth grandbaby — a girl — has been born at the Duke Lemur Center. Her name is Isabella, and she’s doing great. Her grandfather’s real name was Jovian, and his legacy lives on […]

Madagascar’s rosewood bleeds anew

February 12, 2015–  Rosewood logging begins again in Madagascar. Following the political coup in Madagascar in 2009, timber barons sent loggers into Madagascar’s protected forests to harvest precious woods, like ebony and rosewood. Thousands of trees were cut to be sold illegally on international markets by poor Malagasy making very little money for their dangerous, illegal […]

SAVA Conservation Newsletter – Winter 2014-15

Click here for the latest updates on the work the DLC is doing in Madagascar.

Year of the Lemur: 2014 in Review

  December 30, 2014 — 2014, the biggest year ever! Two-thousand-fourteen was definitely the Year of the Lemur, and the Duke Lemur Center was in the middle of it all. We launched a new website at the beginning of the year, just in time for IMAX’s Island of Lemurs: Madagascar. We released nearly 50 years of […]