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Evening with the experts: The curious case of the cold Mouse lemur 4/30/15

Lemurs are the most endangered mammal on the planet. Learn what we are doing to change that. Delve deeper into the Duke Lemur Center and join us for our  “Evening with the Experts” seminar series. Each session will highlight one of the many components of the DLC’s important work. All proceeds will benefit the work […]

Evening with the Experts – December 4th, Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears

Hibernation Isn’t Just For Bears. Hibernation is a common metabolic strategy found in all major groups of mammals, however, it is rare among primates.  Dr. Marina Blanco will discuss how and why Fat-tailed Dwarf lemurs hibernate.  Dr. Blanco has just returned from Madagascar and will discuss her research and the traits of these fascinating primates.  […]

Genome sequences show how lemurs fight infection

May 30, 2014 — In 1999 at the Duke Lemur Center, a young lemur named Eugenius started to get sick. Very sick. He was lethargic, losing weight and suffering from diarrhea. Veterinarians soon pinpointed the cause of his illness: Eugenius tested positive for Cryptosporidium, a microscopic intestinal parasite known to affect people, pets, livestock and […]