“The Duke Lemur Center exercises great fiscal responsibility and works closely with the Provost’s Office regarding strategic policy for growth. They have been successful in developing and enhancing revenue streams, including philanthropic giving, essential for maintaining their operations and furthering the impact of their mission.” —Jennifer Francis, Ph.D., Executive Vice Provost
Financial Overview: FY2020
The charts below are based on financial reports for fiscal year 2020 (July 2019 through June 2020).
Click anywhere on the charts for a larger view.

Not reflected in our income report and charts is a 2 million dollar gift from an anonymous Duke alum towards a specific capital project. A description of the project will be forthcoming.
Financial Summary
Net surplus/deficiency for the year: -$281,475.
Financial Documents
The Duke Lemur Center is a tax-exempt organization, operating under Duke University (Federal Tax Identification Number 56-0532129). We do not submit our own separate IRS Form 990, nor are we required to conduct a separate, independent audit. The DLC reports to the Duke University Provost, whose office approves our budget annually and reviews our financial updates quarterly.