Your support means the world to us
Your support of the Duke Lemur Center makes so much possible! We rely on gifts from businesses* and individuals like you to invest in our work to learn from and protect lemurs and their natural habitat in Madagascar. Your support fuels our impact through conservation and biodiversity protection, education, and non-invasive research programs. Make a pledge or donation today!
Also, consider Adopt a Lemur packages for gift-giving!
*To explore special ways for businesses to support DLC, please visit our Sponsorships and Corporate Gifts page.
The Duke Lemur Center operates under Duke University and meets the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(C)(3). Gifts to the DLC are deductible at the highest limits allowed for federal income or estate tax purposes. Tax receipts will come from Duke University, Federal Tax ID 56-0532129.
Gift designation options
Options for pledges and expendable donations include:
Unrestricted/General Operations Fund #397-7000 – top priority: most needed!
Animal Care and Wellbeing Fund 397-000010
Madagascar Programs Fund #399-3638
Internship and Student Programs Fund #399-000377
DLC Museum of Natural History Fund #391-2061
Important note: Flexible funds through unrestricted gifts are needed now, more than ever so please consider choosing an unrestricted gift and/or multi-year pledge.
Mail a check
If you would rather not donate online, you can mail a check made payable to “Duke University” with “Duke Lemur Center” written in the memo field. To designate your gift to a specific program of the Duke Lemur Center, please complete our gift form and mail it with your check to:
Duke Lemur Center
c/o Office of Gift Records
Box 90581
Durham, NC 27708-0581
If you would like to speak with someone about your gift, please call Mary Paisley at (919) 401-7252.
Other ways to give
Click on the links below, or explore these and more topics found under the “Support Us” menu of our website:
Stock gifts (list Duke Lemur Center in designation section)
Naming opportunities + major gifts
Bequests and other legacy gifts
IRA rollover/how to donate retirement assets: Contact Mary Paisley, Development Director, at 919-401-7252 or
Adopt a lemur packages (a great holiday gift idea)
For specific needs and other ways to give, please click through the options in the “Support Us” menu. Thanks so much for your support!
Please call or email our Development Officer, Mary Paisley: (919) 401-7252 or She’ll be happy to help!