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Recognition and Giving Societies

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Gift Recognition and Leadership Giving Programs

Because the Duke Lemur Center must have escorted/supervised tours only, we do not offer memberships like those available at zoos or museums. However, donors to the Duke Lemur Center benefit in a variety of ways that still enable your gift to be fully tax-deductible.

Recognition levels are based on each donor’s cumulative gifts—including all designated gifts as one total gift—to the Duke Lemur Center between July 1 and June 30, the fiscal year for Duke University and the Duke Lemur Center.

All donors to the Duke Lemur Center contributing $50 or more (Duke students qualify for $25), and donors who opt for monthly payments at any level toward any DLC program, may opt-in and enjoy quarterly e-newsletters for the inside scoop on DLC happenings.

Annual Giving Recognition

Honorary Giving Societies

Multi-year and Special Gift Recognition

Support Us

Please consider supporting the Duke Lemur Center through gifts to:

Endowments: Gifts of any amount may be designated for the pooled Duke Lemur Center endowment, or you may consider establishing an endowment with $100,000 or more and make possible a permanent, self-sustaining source of funding for the Duke Lemur Center.

Special projects: A variety of projects and naming opportunities are available. Please visit our Targeted Impact Gifts page to learn more.

Legacy/planned gifts: Include the Duke Lemur Center in your long-term financial or estate plan. You may be surprised at how big of an impact you can have on our work while also helping you to achieve your personal and financial goals. Learn more at Duke University’s Gift Planning website, or visit our Legacy Gifts page.

Duke University reunion gifts and senior class gifts: While the Duke Lemur Center is not an offered designation option through the Duke Annual Fund, gifts to the Duke Lemur Center DO count toward Duke University’s senior class gift and reunion class gift credit. Please consider including us!

Gifts to the Duke Lemur Center are tax deductible. Your tax letter will come from Duke University.


Please contact the DLC’s development officer, Mary Paisley, at (919) 401-7252 or